Friday, November 5, 2010

Justice for Immigrants: Broadville Detention Center

December 1, 2006 people of faith began gathering every Friday (year round) at 7:15 a.m. in prayer and presence at the Broadview Detention Center, Broadview, Illinois.

Friday, November 5, 2010 more than 35 participants of the Justice for Immigrants National Convening joined the Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America (CRLNLA)as a public witness to our broken United States immigration system. Sisters of St. Joseph, LaGrange are members of CRLNLA.

The unmarked white bus in the picture is transporting people to Chicago O'Hare Airport to be deported from the United States. We waved to them, raised our hands offering signs of peace, held rosaries, and signed "I Love You" in solidarity as the people being deported were driven away in an unmarked white bus whose windows are covered. Just one person on the bus today was charged with a criminal offense, the others with minor, i.e. traffic violations, a civil not criminal offense.

Currently, approxiamtely 11,000 persons are deported monthly from the United States. In 2009, a total of 387,790 people were deported. To learn more about the detention and deportation of migrants by the United States Department of Homeland Security Immigration Customs Enforcement visit DETENTION WATCH.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Dream Act Supported by DePaul University

Reverend Dennis H. Holtschneider, C.M., DePaul University President addressed the 245 participants of the Justice for Immigrants National Convening the evening of November 4. Founded in 1890 by the Vincentian religious community to provide the opportunity for a college education to immigrants, DePaul University continues to serve immigrants. Forty per-cent of the student body are the first in their family to attend college.
Many excellent students who are undocumented, through no fault of their own, do not qualify for federally funded student loans or scholarships and are excluded from many private scholarships. DePaul University stands in strong support of the DREAM ACT (has bi-partisan support in Congress) knowing that college students DREAM for more than an education ~ their DREAM is to be well prepared citizens, contributing fully to a strong society. Fr. Holtschneider stated, " extraordinary education should not only be available to those of great means, but all those with dreams."

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Justice for Immigrants National Convening: November 3 -5

Immigration in the New Congress
Catholics from across the United States are convening in Chicago to continue working for Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

Presentations include:
~ Catholic Social Teaching and Migration
~ A Pro-Immigration Agenda for the 112th Congress
~ Immigration and Detention

Participating from the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
Ginger K. Hedstrom, Consociate, Justice Associate, St. Paul
Diana Oleskovich, CSJA, Justice Coordinator, St. Louis
Carolyn Henry, CSJA, Multicultural Committee, St. Louis

Convened by: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Justice for Immigrants: we are one family under God

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

General Election Day ~ Bethany Convent

Joanne Tromiczak-Neid, Justice Coordinator holds "Betsy, a Chantilly Lane Musical Bear" who wears a red velvet hat and sings "God Bless America." Sister Aline Baumgartner joins in song as she proudly wears her "I VOTED" sticker.
The staff of the justice office spent the late morning visiting the sisters. They presented "I VOTED" stickers to those who voted absentee ballot and they heard stories of the sisters civic engagement.