Friday, January 28, 2011

Helen Whitney, Filmmaker at St. Catherine University

Forgiveness: A Time to Love, and a Time to Hate
An informal conversation with Helen Whitney, Filmmaker
Thursday, February 3, 2011, 2:30-4:30, Rauenhorst Ballroom

Come for converation and a chance to preview her new film for PBS.

Helen Whitney wrote and directed the film Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero - Where was God on September 11? in 2002 with Ron Rosenbaum. She has done another film for PBS, the three-and-one-half hour long Forgiveness: A Time to Love, A Time to Hate.

For more information: Bill McDonough:

Sponsored by: St. Catherine University Theology Department; Campus Ministry; Myser Initiative on Catholic Identity

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Playground

Monday, January 31, 6:30 p.m.
Highland Park Library, Hillcrest Auditorium
1974 Ford Parkway, Saint Paul

The Women's Human Rights Film Series, presented by the Advocates for Human Rights and Friends of the St. Paul Library, screens
Playground, Libby Spears sensitive investigation into the world-wide issue of the sexual exploitation of children illuminating a sinister industry of unrecognized pervasiveness.

Following the film, there will be an update on the legislative work to end child exploitation and a panel discussion including: Justice Helen Meyer; Michele Garnett-McKenzie, Advocacy Director at the Advocates for Human Rights; Artika Roller, PRIDE Program Director at The Family Partnership. Co-sponsored by End Child Prostitution and Trafficking.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Globalization, Spirituality and Justice

Review by: Kathleen Judge, CSJ
This is a must read for advocated interested in social justice.

Globalization, Spirituality and Justice*
~gives a broad but profound analysis of the present global reality
~provides scriptural basis for social justice plus the writings on the
topic from early church fathers
~includes a good section on justice and non-christian religions
~gives a comprehensive treatment of Liberation Theology.

You will enjoy and savor the wisdom of this book and will want to
keep it on hand for easy reference.

*Available in the Justice Office: Call 651.690.7054 to add your name to the reader's list.
To learn more visit: Daniel G. Groody

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Acknowledging the Civil Rights of Migrant Workers

11th Day Prayer for Peace
Acknowledging the Civil Rights of Migrant Workers
Tuesday, January 11, 6:30 p.m.
Location: Presentation of Our Lady Chapel
1890 Randolph Avenue, Saint Paul
Reflection: Stories of migrant workers.
Prepared by: Immigration Working Group of the Justice Commission of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet and Consociates.

Learn more about migrants:

Worker's Interfaith Network

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Week of Migration

Justice for Immigrants Campaign

Monday, January 3, 2011

Dayton Takes Office as 40th Governor of Minnesota

Update: Thursday, January 6
Governor Dayton Signs Executive Orders Implementing Medicaid Opt-In In First Act as Governor.
Governor Dayton opened the reception room of his office to those who support and those who oppose his signing of the executive orders. He invited both supporters and protesters to speak from the podium. When asked by a reporter why he took such an unusual position, Governor Dayton stated, "This is an office where all points of view are honored and respected." He went on to say, "Let me invite up here anyonw who'd like to speak agains the proposal, and you can have the same four minutes that I just took to make my statement."
Read: "They Came To Protest; He Gave Them The Podium" by Jim Ragsdale, St. Paul Pioneer Press, 1/6/11

Monday, January 3, 2011

Our democracy provides for a peaceful transfer of power from one elected administration to the next. Minnesota citizens filled the historic Landmark Center witnessing Governor Mark Dayton; Lieutenant Governor Yvonne Prettner Solon; Secretary of State, Mark Ritchie; State Auditor, Rebecca Otto, and Minnesota Attorney General Laurie Swanson take their Oath of Office.

In his address, Governor Dayton stated, "I have three top priorities and I ask all of you to work with me cooperatively and constructively to achieve them.
1. To bring more jobs to Minnesota
2. To balance the State Budget fairly
3. To improve government services"

"To all Minnesotans, I ask you to remember the words of the Roman philosopher-leader, Cicero that in a democracy, the most important office is that of citizen. I ask you to remember that our state's success is also your responsibility. I invite you to get involved in the betterment of our communities."

Let's Get Minnesota Working Again...By Working Together : full text of Governor Dayton's Speech

Tuesday, January 4, 2011 at Noon the Minnesota Legislature Convenes
The website for the Minnesota State Legislature provides comprehensive links to Senate News, House News; Statutes, Laws and Rules; Legislative Offices; Legislative Schedule, etc. to assist Minnesota citizens in keeping abreast of actions at the Minnesota State Legislature.