Monday, August 23, 2010

Picking Cotton: Our Memoir of Injustice and Redemption

Jennifer Thompson-Cannino was brutally raped and testified with absolute certainty that Ronald Cotton was the perpetrator of the violence against her body, soul and spirit. She testified in two separate trials that helped convict and keep Ronald Cotton incarcerated for 11 years inspite of his insistence that he was innocent.

During those 11 years, Ronald Cotton struggled to live inside several prisons in North Carolina and Tennessee and Jennifer struggled to learn how to live beyond the trauma of the horrific night when she was raped in her own bed. This book recounts the details of the crime, the struggles that both Jennifer and Ronald endured and how they have become good friends in the years since his release from prison. This is a book about injustice and redemption on many levels.

Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ writes: "This book will break your heart and then lift it up again... A touching and beautiful example of the power of faith and forgiveness. Its message of hope should reverberate far beyond the halls of justice."

To learn more about "Picking Cotton: Our Memoir of Injustice and Redemption" visit: