Catholic Social Teaching calls us to be in
solidarity saying "We are one human family whatever our national, racial, ethnic, economic, and ideological differences. We are our brothers' and sisters' keepers, wherever they may be..."
http://www.usccb.org/sdwp/projects/socialteaching/excerpt.shtmlThis poem was written by and posted with the permission of Reginald S. Lewis, a man imprisoned on death row in a Pennsylvania prison.
Across the endless coils of shark-teethed razor wire--
over the high stone wall of Babylonia,
and on down the frigid dark corridors
of death row--
Bright orange fingers of sun
caress the cold, blue steel bars, and in its
crucible a warmth slowly reveals
the mystery of the Creator.
That's the way I See Him.
In the fathoms of a blue sky,
In the helixes of a green earth, and in the
shimmers of pink and burst
of a magenta moon -- He is not a painting
splayed across the sweat-stained canvas
of the wall--
nor a mirage, visible or invisible,
seen or unseen, wavering in and out of my cold reality.
He's my Homeboy--a Presence beyond my shoulder,
when the wicked convict plots,
when the guard's evil glare cuts through stones,
and when death's infinite hand looms,
he is there, yeah, over there.
In the twinkle of a child's sweet angelic eyes,
on the swift wings of pleasant dreams
carried in the night--
and even in the kind and compassionate
words of the Christians who write
to me--a castaway, the wretched, and
the condemmed--
That's the Way I see Him
~Reginald Sinclair Lewis, AY2902
Waynesburg, Pennsylvania