The time has come to pass the DREAM ACT (Development, Relief , and Education Act for Alien Minors of 2010). After ten years of refining and negotiating a new bill, S. 3992 authored by Senator Durbin and co-sponsored by Senator Leahy was introduced November 30.
S. 3992 is supported by the Immigration Working Group of the Justice Commisison of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet and Consociates, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Justice for Immigrants National Campaign, Catholic Charities Office for Social Justice of the St. Paul Minneapolis Archdiocese, NETWORK Catholic Social Justice Lobby are among the advocacy groups in the Twin Cities and across the nation urging passage.
Visit the Justice for Immigrants or NETWORK website to read their Action Alert and send an electronic message to your senators and representative in Congress. We need as many votes as possible and your support WILL make a difference.
In a conference call yesterday with the Justice for Immigrants National Campaign it was stated that Congress IS hearing from constituents with approximately half in favor of the DREAM ACT and half opposing it. THANK YOU for taking action and for forwarding this blogpost on to your colleagues and friends. Every voice counts!