Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holiday Spirit "Done Right"

The St. Paul Fire Department received a 911 call around 3:00 a.m., Tuesday, December 14th reporting a fire at the NOOK restaurant and bar, a neighborhood place known far beyond the corner of Randolph and Hamline Avenues. For many the NOOK is all about great hamburgers and fries, for others it is a place where students, neighbors, business people and famlies gather together often - for a great burger meal.

Owners Ted Casper and Mike Runyon quickly expressed concern for their 25 employees who are temporarily out of work in the heart of the holiday season and announced plans to re-open the NOOK as soon as repairs can be made, estimating it will take three to four months.

In the meantime, less than two miles away is the GROVELAND TAP, usually a competitor, who announced they will host a fundraiser this weekend with proceeds going to help out NOOK employees this holiday season. Saint Paul is a city of neighbors where the needs of people once again are paramount. The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet and Consociates are a community committed to continuing Jesus' mission in the world by responding to the needs of our time. It is heartening to learn that the Groveland Tap is responding to the need of NOOK employees this holiday season.
UPDATE January 3, 2011
The fundraiser at the Groveland Tap generated $6,000 for the employees of the NOOK!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dane Smith, Senior Darfur Diplomat

Washington, D.C. - "Sudan Now applauds the appointment of Dane Smith as the senior U. S. diplomat for Darfur, and strongly urges President Obama and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton to appoint a team under the diplomat to help focus efforts on revitalizing the Darfur peace process, securing humanitarian access, and introducing accountability for human rights violations."

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Helping Children and Victims of Domestic Violence

"With passion and courage women have taught us that when we band together to advocate for our highest ideals, we can advance our common well-being and strengthen the fabric of our nation."
- President Batack Obama

"In October, President Obama and Vice President Biden announced unprecedented coordination across the federal government to protect victims of domestic violence and help break the cycle of abuse. Last week, the U.S. Senate took an important step towards the same goal by reauthorizing the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) which also included the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA). This important legislation has broad bi-partisan support, and will help states both improve child safety and continue critically needed services for victims of domestic violence." Lynn Rosenthal, White House Advisor on Violence Against Women

Thursday, December 2, 2010


The time has come to pass the DREAM ACT (Development, Relief , and Education Act for Alien Minors of 2010). After ten years of refining and negotiating a new bill, S. 3992 authored by Senator Durbin and co-sponsored by Senator Leahy was introduced November 30.

S. 3992 is supported by the Immigration Working Group of the Justice Commisison of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet and Consociates, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Justice for Immigrants National Campaign, Catholic Charities Office for Social Justice of the St. Paul Minneapolis Archdiocese, NETWORK Catholic Social Justice Lobby are among the advocacy groups in the Twin Cities and across the nation urging passage.

Visit the Justice for Immigrants or NETWORK website to read their Action Alert and send an electronic message to your senators and representative in Congress. We need as many votes as possible and your support WILL make a difference.

In a conference call yesterday with the Justice for Immigrants National Campaign it was stated that Congress IS hearing from constituents with approximately half in favor of the DREAM ACT and half opposing it. THANK YOU for taking action and for forwarding this blogpost on to your colleagues and friends. Every voice counts!