Minnesota is home to an estimated 30,000 Liberians, approximately 1,000 living under Deferred Enforced Departure which is due to terminate September 30, 2011. The Justice Office has been part of the Coalition for Permanent Residency (CPR) for Liberians since January 2007. During March CPR met with Congressman Keith Ellison, Siad Ali, constituent representative to Senator Amy Klobuchar and Amy Hang, field representative to Senator Al Franken. These meetings provided the opportunity to strategize and to urge Congressman Ellision, Senator Klobuchar and Senator Franken to take a leadership role in pursuing permanent resident status for Liberians.
This week (March 29) Senator Amy Klobuchar and Senator Al Franken announced that they are co-sponsoring the Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act with Senator Reed (RI), Senator Kerry (MA) and four other senators, and Congressman Elison introduced the Liberian Refugee Fairness Act inthe House. Press Release Senator Franken Press Release Senator Reed, also calls for President Obama to act on the looming DED deadline.
Press Release Congressman Ellison Ethnic Capitol Liberians Ethnic Capitol: Liberians