The farm yard was replete with a wide array of tractors (several vintage), a fully restored 50's something GMC pick up truck, a petting zoo that incuded a Holstein cow with calf, banty chickens, rabbits and a goat. Mass seating on hay bales and rough planks overlooking the soybean fields and the farmstead faced the flatbed fifth wheel trailer from which the Mass was celebrated.
Through the ligurgy and Bishop Piche's homily gratitude was expressed to our God for the bounty of earth and the hands of farmers who abundantly feed God's people, and the ongoing call to continue to provide care for earth.
Immediately following the Mass, dinner was served in the machine shed to more than 400 people, from Mendota Heights, West Saint Paul, St. Paul and the surrounding area.
The Gergen Family was represented by Helen, 98 year old matriarch (back home on the farm for the day), Leon and Nancy, Ray and Elaine Gergen who currently live on and farm the land. More about Catholic Rural Life