1650 - 1836: Seven Generations from the founding of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Lepuy France to the arrival of the first six sisters in Carondelet, Missouri.

12 years after the Sisters of St. Joseph arrived in the United States, The Seneca Falls Convention was organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, two abolitionists who met in 1840 at the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London, where both were barred from the convention floor because they were women. Their outrage was the impetus for the Seneca Falls Convention was attended by 200 women.
November 2, 1851: The first four Sisters of St. Joseph arrived in St. Paul, Minnesota to teach children, found the first hospital in Minnesota (1853), St. Catherine College, now St. Catherine University (1905).
July 2011: We know our decisions will lead, influence and impact the next Seven Generations.