Two students fostered an initiative that resulted in almost 30 events in a five day period. The first few events may have left the steering committee a little nervous...but the ferver built to include a large section of the campus. Remember this was a hard start to a year-long campaign for food justice at St. Kate's!
The week culminated in a pot luck celebration on Friday where a "Food Justice Recipe" was proclaimed to the SCU body, administration and food & dining services. The organizing team of students based this recipe off of surveys collected from the student body, panel discussions, open sessions, tabling, and coffee hours in order to ensure it represents the full body of students, staff and faculty at SCU.
Now that a phenomenal week has demonstrated that food justice is important to the community of St. Catherine's, and that this priority is supported by the Justice Commission of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, St. Paul Province--what's next? The "Food Justice Recipe" does outline "ingredients" of how to make this recipe come out just right, but the details of these actions have yet to be defined. They will be hosting a meeting on Thursday from 12-1:15 to explore and fill-in the details, please join in and contribute your ideas! (Email me for details on the meeting).
This week is a beautiful example of young adults making a difference. The passion and enthusiasm for food justice I witnessed over this past week has been incredible. Join in on these efforts to witness it for yourself.
-Elizabeth Fairbairn, St. Joseph Worker & Justice Office Intern