Karen Kenelly, CSJ, did the reflection for the evening. She shared the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a written account can be found here, as well as the traditions of the Feast Day she experienced while living in Los Angeles. Karen was delighted to find hot chocolate, one of the many traditions, as a part of the reception after the Vespers.
This prayer, found below, was given to attendees as they left the chapel.
Mary, Holy Mother of God, we salute and honor you.
In this season of darkness, we await the coming feast of the birth of God's Son,
We do pray to you, Mother of the Lord of Light.
Hail to you, Holy Sun Virgin, Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Patroness of the Americas.
We watch the winter sun, our source of heat and light, our calendar maker,
as it wanes and prepares for rebirth.
Holy sun, mystic mother of ages past, be for us a living sign.
Holy Virgin of Tepayac, with the sun as your mantle,
you who are clothed with yellow light, the moon under your feet,
with stars for your crown: we honor you.
Holy earth mother, holy lady of the star-filled night,
mother of the candles and lamps, we praise you.
Thank you for the protection of our land, for your loving kindness and many gifts.
Protect our homes, guard our families,
our world, and our congregation,
watch over us forever. Amen
-Liturgical Service, Mount St. Mary's, Los Angeles
-Elizabeth Fairbairn, St. Joseph Worker & Justice Office Intern
**Art by Baya Clare, CSJ