The Justice For Immigrants event was a successful collaboration of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet and Consociates, Myser Initiative on Catholic Identity at St. Catherine University, Justice For Immigrants - Minnesota and other regional co-sponsors. Similar events were held Sept. 30th at St. John's University, and Oct. 1st at St. Catherine's University. Over 300 people attended!

I attended on Saturday, and have to agree with Jen's evaluation. The day at St. Catherine University began with a short address from Bishop Piche and a beautiful prayer.
Fr. Groody described his passion for immigration as an extension of his compassion for migrant peoples, especially those whom he has served as pastor. Then, he expertly marched us through the foundation of the issue, the debated areas, and finished with the theological and pastoral perspectives.
The most pertinent aspect of his presentation was his understanding of the life of Jesus and the experience of Christians as migration stories. He rephrased John 3:16 as, "God, in Jesus Christ, so loved the world that he migrated into our world, so that whoever believes in him shall migrate back to God's Kingdom." Groody explained the true alien not as the person without documents, but the person disconnected from God, stranger and self.
This event was moving, informational and insightful. For your continuing education, advocacy and action on this issue, please reference Fr. Groody's website and Justice For Immigrants for more information.
Elizabeth Fairbairn, St. Joseph Worker & Justice Office Intern