"There aren't two categories of people. There aren't some that were born to have everything, leaving the rest with nothing, and a majority that has nothing and cannot taste the happiness that God has created for all. The Christian society that God wants is one in which we share the goodness that God has given for everyone" - Archbishop Oscar Romero
In 2005, an estimated 1.4 billion people were in extreme poverty. Due to spikes in global food prices and global economic recession, 100-150 million more people have been pushed into poverty. Poverty is a local, national and international problem. It is a complex issue as it intersects systemic issues of education, hunger, race, location, and the list goes on. Educate yourself and others, and take action to bring an end to poverty. United Nations information. USCCB videos on poverty.
Prayer to Make Poverty History
Lord of Life,
Open our eyes to make us:
Aware of the povery suffered by others;
Aware of the immorality of allowing that suffering to take place;
Aware of our rights as citizens to be heard;
Aware of the men, women and children dying as we speak;
Aware that our solidarity gives us strength;
Aware that our leaders may turn a deaf ear but Almight God hears our cry;
and aware that only together can we: Make Poverty History.
Give us the strength and determination to work towards solutions and policy changes that can free our sisters and brothers around the world from the chains of poverty.
Inspire us to challenge our leaders to make debt relief and fighting poverty a priority, and make our voices loud and clear.
-Elizabeth Fairbairn, St. Joseph Worker & Justice Office Intern